New PREO Open Call for Innovators in sub-Saharan Africa has up to €4 Million in grants available to advance renewable energy solutions

Preo Open Call for Innovators in sub-Saharan Africa

PREO (Powering Renewable Energy Opportunities) has launched the next competitive open call for funding, inviting innovators in sub-Saharan Africa to apply for grants aimed at scaling projects that harness the productive use of renewable energy. This initiative supports renewable energy solutions that improve livelihoods, boost incomes, and enhance climate resilience.

The call for applications opens on 9 December and closes on 31 January (at 23:59 UTC). To be eligible, applicants must demonstrate the viability of their solution and how the grant will be used to scale their business models and innovations.

Legally registered and physically established businesses or non-profit organisations that meet the eligibility criteria and are based in sub-Saharan Africa (excluding South Africa) are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be piloting a new, or pivoting an existing business model focused on the productive use of renewable energy. Up to 20 grants are available, each worth up to EUR 200,000, for projects of 12-24 months in duration.

For those interested in applying, detailed eligibility criteria and application guidelines can be found here.

For this funding call, additional support is also available to a select number of local applicants to develop and submit their application proposals, via the Transforming Energy Access Technical Assistance Facility. Funded by UK aid from the UK Government via the Transforming Energy Access platform, and delivered by EED advisory, the TEA TA Facility aims to support selected local partners to strengthen their applications for grant funding. The TEA TA Facility is open to applications from 9 December until 15 December (23:59 UTC). Find the full details, eligibility criteria, and steps to apply here.

PREO’s mission is to enable enterprises in sub-Saharan Africa and Pacific Island Countries to harness renewable energy to improve incomes, strengthen local economies, build climate resilience, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Since its inception, PREO has successfully co-financed over €15m productive use of renewable energy projects and created over 450 jobs. The programme has also recently expanded funding to the Pacific Island Countries where it will work with a cohort of competitively selected companies using renewable energy solutions to create jobs, reduce fossil fuel reliance and increase climate resilience.